Category: news
New rates added for 2018
New rates added and there will no longer be extra charge for credit card processing.
New Rate Schedule
I’ve adjusted the rates for the new year and will continue to get everyone on the same schedule. Rates are still very competitive with the shops in the area and i will continue to give even better support to warrant the new rates. Check out the Services Page for the new rates. Most all rates…
Website is Live
Finally site is up and running. I started this update a while ago now and lost steam at the finish line. I just couldn’t decide what to have on the homepage graphic area, initially had an image slider but thought its too flashy and wanted something that would be informative to prospective clients, first and…
Website Redesign
We are happy to present our new redesigned site. Its been four years already, so we thought it was time to change things up. Our old site was coded in plain HTML and we opted for a database-driven site using WordPress as our foundation. WordPress has been fairly easy to learn and has plenty of…